Visit us

Saturday morning:
10:00am - Bible study
11:00am - Worship Service
8:00pm - Prayer Meeting - as virtual meeting
On the youtube channel for the live streaming
Worship Service - Saturday 11:00am
On zoom for the prayer meeting
Prayer Meeting - Wednesday 8:00pm
Meeting ID: 613 709 5851
You Are Welcome !
The Geneva International Seventh-day Adventist Church invites you to participate in our program every week.
On Saturdays from 10:00 a.m. there are Bible Classes for children and young people. The courses are specially organized in small groups according to age.
The Classes for adults are organized in small groups and thus all people can ask questions and share the Word of God.
From 11:00am all members and visitors are invited to participate together in a Worship Service in church or on virtual meeting with Zoom.
The service is presented in English and often a separate service in the Tagalog language.
On Wednesdays at 8:00pm there is a Prayer Meeting for all who wish to spend a moment to pray and meditate in the word of God together. At the moment only on virtual meeting with Zoom.