Sabbath School Lessons


The current lesson for Adults
January, February and March 2025


How to know for yourself what the Bible really means? Is it still relevant for us today?

Every Saturday morning, at 10:00am, you are welcome to freely attend the weekly Bible study, a special time put aside to dig deep into the Scriptures. There are classes for adults, youth and children.



God's Love and Justice

God is love. So says 1 John 4:8 and verse 16. The entirety of the Bible testifies to this fact. The Christian faith is centered on God's character of love. Love is at the core of who God is, at the core of everything that we believe, and should be at the core of everything we do. Accordingly, the way we understand love affects the entirety of our faith and practice. If, for example, one believes that God's love must be earned or merited, a person might think that God does not love them because they are sinful and unworthy. And, in relation to others, one might expect others to merit love—a recipe for disaster.

In this and many other ways, how we understand God's love has massive implications for our faith and practice. Yet, what is love? If you ask ten people to define love, you might get ten different answers. Even among Christians, there are many
myths and misunderstandings about God's love.




 This weeks lesson



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